Friday, April 13, 2012


Today in the 7th grade art room, Karissa and Jamie taught us marbling.  We were each given a picture that we had to draw ourselves onto white drawing paper.  My picture was of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.  We started with pencil, then went over the pencil with permanent marker.  Next we cut out our drawing.  Over on a different table was the marbling station.  Here, we coated the bottom of  a tin pan with a thin layer of shaving cream.  We then chose three adjacent colors on the color wheel; I chose orange, green, and yellow.  I put a few dots of each color on top of the shaving cream, then used a fine point to swirl the colors around until I got the design I was happy with.  Finally, I laid the cutout face down on the shaving cream/color.  When I lifted it up, the marbling stuck to the paper.  I wiped off the extra shaving cream and mounted it on yellow paper. 

An extension activity off of this would be having the students use the marbling technique to make buildings or areas that are in Aberdeen.  They could then make a map on the bulletin board using the marbling pictures on it to represent important buildings in Aberdeen.  

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